
Beta|WarCry Interview #10

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 30. 2007 um 20:59 Uhr

Erneut bringt das Team von WarCry ein neues Q&A heraus. Erneut standen die Erschaffer von Warhammer Online Rede und Antwort.

    WarCry: Public quests have always been one of the most unique aspects of the game. How have they panned out in the Beta?

    James Nichols: People LOVE them. In addition to being a great way to earn XP and loot, and getting to run through cool narrative content, they´ve wound up acting as an organic "looking for group" system in the world. Folks run out into a PQ, join in with whoever´s already there, and in a matter of moments you can see if there is someone around you´d like to group with. They´re like a singles bar for war parties.

    In response to the positive feedback we received about PQs, we´re continuing to polish, improve and expand their presence in the world.

Link: Hier gehts zum kompletten Interview



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